End of Life Care
Interest Group
This group is for clinicians and researchers interested in End of Life Care (EoLC).
EoLC optimises the quality of life for people, their families and carers approaching and reaching the end of life.
This includes the care, support and related end of life communication led by a range of health disciplines, including medical and palliative care, nursing, psychological, and social/allied health interventions.
EoLC is provided when a person is likely to die within the next 12 months due to progressive, advanced disease. People approaching and reaching the end of their life require varying levels of care and support, and their needs will fluctuate and change.
The aims of this group are to:
Share information about current and planned EoLC research and foster collaborations
Develop at least two PoCoG supported national EoL grant protocols for submission over the next three years
Develop a network of clinicians/researchers interested in participating in/contributing to EoL studies
Boost opportunities for international collaboration
The group is led by Dr Ursula Sansom-Daly, Behavioural Science Unit at UNSW Sydney/Sydney Youth Cancer Service and Dr Nicci Bartley.