Special Interest Groups
PoCoG members can join special interest groups (SIGs) to support their research goals and facilitate collaboration.
The executive office promotes and supports special interest groups and their activities subject to resourcing.
Current special interest groups include:
This group brings together professionals interested in cancer carers to increase networking, build and share knowledge, and form collaborations to progress cancer carer research, policy, and practice.
At least one third of cancers could be prevented with healthy lifestyle and avoidance of cancer risk factors. This group aims to focus psycho-oncology research and practice to the area of prevention.
This group encourages clinician-initiated research with an appreciation of the limitations of conducting research in a clinical setting.
Early Career Researchers (ECR)
This group aims to provide a dedicated network to promote interactions between ECRs and senior researchers in psycho-oncology. Our group enables members to be more actively involved in setting and implementing PoCoG research.
This group is for clinicians and researchers interested in end of life and palliative care that optimises the quality of life for patients along with their families and carers.
Fear of Cancer Recurrence (FCR)
This group is for clinicians and researchers working in the area of fear of cancer recurrence, who are interested in collaborating on a plan of work and conducting research.
Implementation Science (INSPIRE)
A group for clinicians and researchers interested in implementation science, who are interested in working collaboratively to facilitate implementation research within psycho-oncology.