Research Support
PoCoG brings together health professionals, researchers and community members, with an interest in psycho-oncology, to develop large studies of clinical relevance and importance, which would be difficult for any one team to undertake.
PoCoG studies can be either:
PoCoG Administered:
Studies conceptualised and/or administered by the Scientific Advisory Group, Executive Office, Special Interest Group or a Working Group.
PoCoG Supported:
Member studies where PoCoG has contributed to concept development, scientific review and/or support with study design, protocol development.
PoCoG considers all requests for support from members and collaborators across the development pathway.
Each request will be assessed for suitability by the PoCoG Management Team according to:
PoCoG objectives
Scope of work requested
FAQs about PoCoG Supported Studies
Requests for research support can be emailed to the PoCoG Executive Office at any time. To learn more read the PoCoG Policy and Procedures Manual