Get Involved
This is where you can learn about current studies and how to be involved. There are opportunities for health care professionals as well as people with lived experience of brain cancer.
Click the title of any of the studies listed below to learn more and find out how to be involved.
We would like to invite you to help us understand what life is like after treatment for brain cancer and what you find helpful in available supports.
Who is it for?
People aged 15-40 years who have completed brain cancer treatment that has been successful in controlling, removing or treating a primary or secondary/relapsed brain tumour
Caregivers of young people aged 15-40 years who have experienced brain cancer
Health professionals who provide treatment and support for young people aged 15-40 years who have experienced brain cancer.
What is involved?
A brief online questionnaire and a videoconference interview that will take about 50 minutes.
Personality and Behaviour Changes (Carers)
We would like to invite you participate in our study exploring personality and behaviour changes in adults with primary brain tumours and the impact these changes have on the patient, their carers and family.
Who is it for?
Carers of adults with primary brain tumours who have experienced personality and behaviour changes
What is involved?
A 45-60 minute interview, either face-to-face, via telephone or video call with a researcher