Our Team
Management Team
The Management Team (MT) is responsible for the management of PoCoG as well as liaison with other clinical trials groups and key stakeholders.
The MT consists of senior executive staff members including the:
PoCoG Executive Director
Research Manager
Executive Officer
PoCoG Chair and Deputy Chair
SAC Chair and Deputy SAC chair
The MT meets monthly and at other times when necessary. Meet the current members of the PoCoG MT below.
PoCoG Foundation Chair
Professor Phyllis Butow
University of Sydney -
PoCoG Chair
Professor Brian Kelly
University of Newcastle -
SAC Chair
A/Professor Haryana Dhillon
University of Sydney -
Deputy SAC Chair
A/Professor Lisa Beatty
Flinders University
Executive Office
The Executive Office (EO) consists of core staff members responsible for all aspects of the research program and executive functions, as well as member services.
Meet the EO team members below.
Executive Director
A/Professor Joanne Shaw
University of Sydney -
Executive Officer
Tiffany Fazon
University of Sydney -
Research Manager
Kirsty Galpin
University of Sydney