PoCoG supports innovative high-quality psycho-oncology research including studies with the greatest potential to improve outcomes for cancer patients and their carers, and those that address the need of priority groups. Read more about PoCoG Studies: Principles and Practice.
The links below take you to studies and concepts PoCoG reports on to Cancer Australia.
PoCoG studies fall under 2 categories:
PoCoG administered studies open to recruitment: These are studies conceptualised and or administered by the PoCoG Executive Office
PoCoG supported studies open to recruitment: These are studies where PoCoG has contributed to concept development, scientific review and/or support with study design, protocol development and/or statistical analysis plan.
These are concepts and research ideas that are in the early stages of development.
PoCoG administered studies concepts under development: These are research concepts and ideas that are administered by the PoCoG Executive Office.
PoCoG supported studies concepts under development: These are research concepts and ideas that PoCoG has contributed to via the concept development pathway.