PoCoG Foundation Chair
To ensure continuity of leadership, to provide oversight, and ongoing mentorship in psycho-oncology, the PoCoG Foundation Chair title is reserved exclusively for the first PoCoG Chair Professor Phyllis Butow.
The PoCoG Foundation Chair provides stability and guidance, when needed, to current serving PoCoG Chair, Management Team and Scientific Committee.
The PoCoG Foundation Chair is encouraged but not required to have an active involvement in PoCoG activities.
PoCoG Chair
The PoCoG Chair is a leader, champion, mentor, and a representative of the group.
Through their international reputation for excellence in Psycho-oncology and effective and continuing leadership, the Chair ensures that PoCoG functions as the leading Australian psycho-oncology research collaborative group and is recognised as an international leader in the field.
The Chair oversees and acts as an advisor to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and leads the Management Team (MT).
The responsibilities of the Chair include:
Establishing the overall direction and vision for the future and collaborating with the SAC on the development of the strategy to achieve the PoCoG’s goals
Guiding the make-up of the committees and working groups to form effective leadership teams
Ensuring alignment of these teams with the vision and strategy of PoCoG
Representing the interests of the group nationally and internationally
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Chair and Deputy Chair
The SAC Chair reports to the PoCoG Chair and the SAC Deputy Chair reports to the SAC Chair.
The SAC Chair and Deputy Chair are responsible for:
Providing leadership and direction of SAC operations and activities
Participating as active members of the Management Team in overseeing the management of PoCoG
Responding to requests for advice or issues that arise outside of SAC meetings and that may need SAC input
Working with the Executive Office to develop agendas for the SAC meetings
Working with the Executive Office to progress the SAC agenda in between meetings
Chairing meetings of the SAC
Reviewing research proposals by means of the PoCoG research pathways process
Contributing to the PoCoG annual report
Approving publications arising from SAC – initiated studies and assisting in resolving disputes concerning authorship, contents and timing of publications and presentations.