
Concept Development Workshop Dec 2024 - Open Call
On 5 December the PoCoG Scientific Advisory Committee are hosting a concept development workshop (CDW) to support the development of psycho-oncology concepts. This is an open call so all submissions will be considered.

PoCoG SAC Open Call for Nomination
The deadline for nominations has now passed.
PoCoG is now calling for expressions of interest for two ordinary SAC members and one early career researcher (ECR) to join the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for a three-year term.

Read our March Newsletter
Catch up on all our news in the PoCoG Quarterly newsletter for March

Research Study: Co-designing the iCanBlend Model
University of Sydney Researchers are looking for participants to co-design a cancer specific, blended psychological support model.

CDW: End of Life, Palliative Care and Bereavement
We are now accepting submissions for our next CDW, which is in Sydney on Thursday 30 May and has a focus on a focus on palliative and end of life care as well as bereavement.

Improving Outcomes for First Nations Cancer Patients - FINAL Module
The final module in the series Improving Outcomes for First Nations Cancer Patients: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s participation in clinical trials is now available.

Improving Outcomes for First Nations Cancer Patients - Module 2
Module 2 of the e-learning series Improving Outcomes for First Nations cancer patients: Communicating with patients and carers is now available.

Congratulations Professor Brian Kelly AM
PoCoG Chair, Professor Brian Kelly, was made a was made a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) on Australia Day.